
“Growing up my family was definitely a Christian family but church was not priority. I played sports and my mom was sick and it was hard to do things. The Lord blessed my growing up with not much family tension and a decent level of comfort. But in 2007, beginning of my 6th grade year, my mom committed suicide. That was the first time I’d ever really thought about life. I had prayed the prayer in 4th grade, but it wasn’t real. As soon as my dad told me that, I ran to my room and was just yelling at God, ‘Why would you do this?’ I was done, I shoved my emotions down and just went right back to school. Then a year and a half later my 18-year-old cousin passed away. The Lord used this to show me that life is precious and it’s fragile and it can be gone in the blink of an eye. I needed Christ on my own, my own relationship. So I committed to live for him in 2010. It’s been a fight ever since with healing a destroyed relationship with my brother, using unhealthy relationships to point me back to Him, and the Corban community to rebuild my life in Christ. I came here unknowingly weak and broken in Fall 2014 and God has used this place to transform my life. I will always fight my pressing insecurities, choking pride and inability to find my worth in Christ but He has shown Himself faithful hundreds of times and I know he’s not done yet.”

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