
“So, I was born with CP, which is a physical disability. This is something that I can’t really hide, and it’s been one of my biggest insecurities in my life, being different and not being like everybody else. I was afraid of not being accepted by everybody else, so I found acceptance through elementary and middle school in my friends, and then going to high school I started going to parties and finding acceptance in that. But then in the midst of all that, I started going to church with my dad, who wasn’t a part of my life growing up. We got reconnected and he introduced me to church, and through going to church I saw a group of people that accepted me for who I was, and not because they could fix me. So I started asking questions, like ‘why are these people so different, what’s going on?’ and learned that God didn’t make a mistake when He created me. That I am created in His image. He does have a plan and a specific purpose for me in this life, and He’s given me life for a reason. Through this extremely difficult time of figuring out what all of this means, I’ve wrestled with the question of, ‘am I somebody with special needs, or am I just like everybody else?’ And then I came to the conclusion that I’m simply a child of God that He created to do His work, and to glorify Him. So I get to rest in my weakness knowing that I am made in Christ’s image, and that He’s going to shine through me and use me for however He wants. I just have to keep a willing and soft heart to say ‘yes.’”

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